I was about to believe that there is a thing like 100%; a hundred percent happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction. I was about to correct the world from believing that there is no thing as such until I felt incomplete. A moment ago, I had nothing to wish and ask for; I was the most content human being ever. You graduate with the highest honor given by your school, you retire as student body Chairman with flawless performance, you receive scholarship grants from here and there, you get grades no lower than 92 and you have everybody admired and astonished with what you have reached. Sounds great, huh? It seems that there`s no reason for discontentment. But, there is. Believe me, there`s still a missing part. Now you think I`m selfish and greedy to be wanting more in spite all of those. But, I know deep down, I am incomplete.
I long for someone to greet me good morning even before I go up from bed and for someone to kiss me good night as the moon shines with full beam. I crave for someone who`d convince me to stay up late and lie down along the fields and grass of green to watch the stars outshine each other. I want someone to let me view the telescope and see how heavenly bodies define God`s greatness. I desire to have that someone who will have enough patience to go with me to the mountaintop and feel the cool gust of wind and view the perspective from the other side. I imagine being with someone making our dreams together of a perfect home and of an ideal life. I am hungry for love and affinity.
It`s just that I cannot really think that a day spent with so much fun isn`t really enough at all. It just is not. And for some reason, which I don`t know at the moment, it is for the betterment of everything and everybody.
I always pray before I sleep with the request to the Father Almighty that I may wake up the next day meeting the right person for me. But, I always end up frustrated and disappointed. I don`t blame Him, though. I know there`s much in store for me and I just can`t wait to have them. And it kind of hurts when I thought I was having the best day of my life but what I was having was actually just second best, or third, or maybe just good enough.
I kept on proclaiming and convincing, or maybe fooling myself that I couldn`t ask for more. But if you could just take a tour to what`s inmost of me, you`d see a soul missing the feeling of being cared for, a heart that finds for its other half and a being that longs for nothing but love. It may be unfair, well it really is to speak like this, knowing that I`ve got friends behind me and a family that`s always there to catch every downfall. But you see, I speak for a million others who still don`t have the courage to admit that they need someone to let them know they`re special. I speak for a million others who had the chance of getting what they`ve wanted but had blown it away. I speak for myself because I want to and that is all what I have and what I can do, at the very least. I speak for myself and yes, just becasue I was a topnotch student doesn`t mean I know everything; I need to learn about life, I need to learn more about love. And this is how life gets in to me personally, it never really gave me 24 hours of 100% joy and delight. Maybe that is also why I continue to sleep at night and wake up in the morning... to go and look for that missing part.
So, being incomplete doesn`t really mean we`re losing some pieces. We just need time, enough time, to gather them all.
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